Bingol University Health Journal (BÜSAD) is the publication organ of Bingol University Health Services Vocational School. The aim of the journal is to publish articles related to medicine, health sciences and social fields related to health, as well as to provide an environment for different publications such as video recordings/artistic designs related to health, where multidisciplinary studies related to human health can be published. The journal seeks the conditions that the articles it publishes comply with the ethical rules and scientific standards related to the subject and that it does not have commercial concerns. The journal aims to complete the processes of the articles sent as soon as possible, regardless of the number of articles waiting for publication.
There is no fee for the publication of articles in the journal and the execution of the article processes. No processing fee or submission fee is charged under any name for articles sent to the journal or accepted for publication. Bingol University Health Journal does not accept sponsorship or advertisement due to its publication policies. All expenses of Bingol University Health Journal are covered by Bingol University.
The copyrights of the studies published in Bingöl University Health Journal belong to the authors. Authors allow Bingöl University Health Journal to publish the intellectual work they submit under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
Bingöl University Health Journal (BÜSAD) publishes all kinds of experimental, descriptive, compilation, editorial letter, case report studies related to human health after peer review. The journal is an academic national and peer-reviewed journal published three times a year in April, August and December. It publishes experimental, descriptive, systematic compilation and meta-analysis studies, case reports and compilations in all areas of health disciplines after blind peer review.
- The author is considered to be an independent intellectual contributor to a published work and must meet the following four criteria for authorship:
- He/she must make significant contributions to the conceptual or design stages of the study or to the collection/processing, analysis or interpretation of data,
- He/she must make significant intellectual/conceptual critical edits to the preparation of the draft of the study or to the content.
- He/she must approve the work that has been prepared for publication,
- He/she must accept full responsibility for the work by ensuring that questions regarding the accuracy and integrity of any part of the work have been appropriately investigated and resolved.
- The names stated as authors must have authorship status; the names of those with this status must be reported in order in the study. The order of the authors must be a joint decision of the co-authors. Authors must be prepared to explain the order of authors if necessary.
- The responsibility for the sources, opinions, findings and conclusions used in the published articles belongs to the author(s).
- The author who acts as the contact with the journal assumes responsibility for the final version of the article on behalf of all authors.
- In the submitted scientific article, all authors must have direct academic-scientific contributions.
- The responsible author must provide data and additional information if needed after the publication of the study. Any contribution that does not meet the authorship criteria must be mentioned in the “acknowledgements” section of the study. Fundraising, data collection, general consultancy of the research group, literary and technical editing, language editing and corrections do not provide authorship rights on their own, so they are the titles to be mentioned in the “acknowledgements” section.
- Our journal publishes articles written in either Turkish or English.
- Articles sent for publication undergo pre-control, peer review and Turkish-English language check stages. A study that fails to pass this process despite being reviewed three times during the pre-control stage is returned to the author and is not processed again in the same publication period. Studies that pass the preliminary control stage conducted by the editor are taken into the evaluation process, in which at least two referees work within the framework of the double-blind refereeing principle.
- Plagiarism checks of articles must be carried out by the author(s) before submission to the journal, and the final report must be sent through the system, signed by the responsible author.
- Author(s) must use the article template on our website during the article writing stage.
- The articles specified in the article template should be written in Word 2003 or later versions, A4 size, “Times New Roman” font style, main text 12 point and single line spacing, justified and in single column and should be sent to the journal with the extension “.doc”.
- The first line indent in paragraphs should be 0.5 cm. There should be 6nk space before and after paragraphs, and there should be no extra space between empty lines and texts.
In your articles with main texts in Turkish or English, the journal’s spelling rules are defined in detail for convenience and guidance in terms of spelling rules.
The following forms should be used for articles to be sent to the journal.
1-Article Template.
2-Title Page.
3-Consent to Publication and Copyright Transfer Form.
4-Conflict of Interest Statement Form
5-Plagiarism similarity report signed by the responsible author.
Click for forms
Turkish title: Should be written in bold 12 point font with the first letter of each word capitalized.
English title: Should be written in normal 10 point font with the first letter of each word capitalized.
Sample author footer:
*If there are any necessary explanations for this study, they should be written (Presented as… at a congress/symposium, thesis or project study, received from the University… board, supported by a Research Project (Project No.) etc.)... or should be stated by writing an acknowledgment text.
1 Title, Area of Expertise, Institution and Department Worked, e-mail, ORCID number
2 Dr. Lecturer Member Public Health Specialist, Bingöl University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing,, ORCID: 0000-XXXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact / Corresponding Author: Name SURNAME Date of Arrival/Received: 00.00.2020
e-mail/e-mail: xxxxxx@xxxxxmail Date of Acceptance/Accepted: 00.00.2020
The names of the authors should be written side by side under the English title as name and surname as specified in the sample author footer section. The author names following the title should be written first as the name starting with a capital letter without using a title, then the surname in all capital letters. The authors' names should be numbered in a superscript form at the end of the page and the authors' academic title, field of expertise and institution they work in, ORCID information should be written in 8-point font in the table template area at the bottom of the page in accordance with these numbers. If the research is presented as a paper (oral or poster) at a scientific meeting or if it is a thesis, it should be written in italics above the author information on the title page of the article. If the research is presented as a paper (oral or poster) at a scientific meeting or if it is a thesis study, it should be stated with the date and place as shown in the template under the title page of the article. The project number can be added. Acknowledgements can be included in this area.
Article titles
In Turkish articles, the abstract is written before the abstract. In English articles, the abstract is written before the abstract.
Review article format: ABSTRACT, ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, Subheadings related to the subject, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS, REFERENCES.
Main headings should be written in a single column width, centered on the page and in bold capital letters.
Writing rules according to article types
Randomized studies should be CONSORT, observational studies STROBE, diagnostic value studies STARD, systematic reviews and meta-analyses PRISMA, animal experimental studies ARRIVE and non-randomized behavioral and public health studies TREND guidelines.
Should be written in 10 point font and single line spacing, not exceeding 200 words. Equations, references, non-standard abbreviations should not be included in the abstract. Subheadings should not be added to the abstract in the abstract paragraphs. Abbreviations used in the articles should be written clearly when they are first used in the text and their abbreviated form should be given in parentheses right next to them. The abstract should not include subheadings, references, and references. Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract. Headings should not be numbered and should be written in all capital letters, aligned with the beginning of the paragraph. Keywords should be compatible with Index Medicus: Medical Subject Headings ( and the Turkish Dictionary of Scientific Terms.
- The introduction section should start on the second page and the last paragraph should include the purpose of the article.
- Care should be taken to ensure that text, drawings, or graphics are within the writing area. Page margins in texts should be 2.5 cm at the top and left, 2 cm at the bottom and right.
- Texts should not exceed 25 pages, including figures and tables.
- No space should be left before the period at the end of the sentence and the sentence should be started by leaving a space after the period.
- No space should be left before the comma and a space should be left between words in the sentence.
- A comma should be used when separating decimal numbers.
- Percentage (%) sign should be written without leaving a space between the numbers. Percentage sign should be written before the number in Turkish articles and after the number in English articles.
- In places where ( ), “ ” and / signs are used, the sentence/word should be written without leaving a space before and after.
- Numbers or letters should not be used in itemizations in the text.
- Various statistics; for example, variance analysis values (F, t, z), correlation (R, r) and other statistical indicators should be italicized when reported.
- Abbreviations should be made where the relevant words are first used in the text and the number of abbreviations should be kept as low as possible.
Materials and Methods
- The principle of compliance with the Helsinki Declaration Principles is sought for experimental and clinical studies, drug research and some case reports. In such studies, authors are required to state in this section of the article that they conducted the study in accordance with these principles and that they received “informed consent” from the ethics committees of their institutions and from the people who participated in the study. This statement should be in the relevant section as "……….. ethics committee approval was obtained with ……. date and …… number". The phrase "Verbal ethics approval was obtained" should not be used.
- In articles reporting the results of experimental studies conducted on humans, after the characteristics of the procedures to be applied to the volunteers or patients in whom this study was conducted are fully explained, a sentence indicating that they were informed and their approval was obtained should be included under the subheading "Ethical Aspects of the Study". In the case of such a study, authors should submit the approval they received from the relevant Ethics Committee. The relevant ethical permission should also be obtained for studies conducted on animals. When a photograph is used to identify the patient, written consent of the patient should be obtained and the patient's eyes should be covered with tape. When a photograph belonging to a private institution such as an institution is used, it should be stated in the article that written permission was obtained and permission information should be provided to us.
- Information about the photographs used should be explained with the symbol "Figure X."
- In the material and method section of the article, the institutions that supported the study, if it is a project study, the number, ethics committee approval form and the institution and dates of the permission should be written together.
- The institutions that support the study should be written in the material and method section of the article, the number of the project study, the ethics committee approval form and the institution and dates from which permission was obtained. It should also be indicated in italics above the author information on the first page.
Tables and figures
- A maximum of 5 tables should be used in the article.
- Pictures, figures and graphics in the articles should be shown under the title "Figure"; figures and graphics should be drawn on the computer. Tables, figures and equations should be numbered sequentially, titles should be written above the tables and under the figures with the first letter of each word capitalized.
- Tables should be placed in the appropriate place in the text, decimal numbers should be separated by commas, not dots (except for the English abstract). Tables should be created using the table menu, cells should not contain more than one value, alignment should not be done with the space key, but with the help of a ruler, numbers should be right-aligned and the number of tables should not exceed 5. Table titles and table content should be written in 10 point font, and references should be written in 8 point font. Tables and figures should not be shown consecutively in the article.
- Abbreviations used should be stated in the explanation below the figures, pictures, tables and graphs. If previously published figures, pictures, tables and graphs are used, written permission must be obtained and this permission must be stated as an explanation in the figure, picture, table and graph description and cited as a source.
Financial support and conflict of interest:
- You must state the following statements appropriately before the sources in your article.
Financial source:
- No financial source has been used for this article.
Conflict of interest:
- There is no conflict of interest for this article. The Conflict of Interest Form in the journal forms section must be filled out and sent through the system.
- Authors can only show the sources they directly use in their articles. Our journal absolutely does not approve of using sources reported in other studies as citations. When possible, references should be limited to publications within the last 5 years. The references section should be written in Times New Roman characters with a font size of 10 points. http access dates must be up-to-date and the page must be accessible. The article name in the references should be shown with only the first letter capitalized. There should be no spaces before the parentheses. EX: 8 (2), while 8(2) is the correct representation. If there is a doi number in the references, can be added to the end of the references.
- The reference writing style is given as an example in the article template
- The number of sources should be sufficient and should not be excessive.
- The sources should be listed in the order of use in the text. When writing more than one source number, a space should be left after the comma, and if more than two consecutive source numbers are to be written, a “-“ sign should be placed between the first and last numbers. The reference should only be at the end of the sentence. Unpublished sources that cannot be given with page numbers (unpublished congress, symposium, meeting, etc. documents) cannot be used as sources.
Some Reference Citation Styles:
1. Sancar A, Lindsey-Boltz LA, Ünsal-Kaçmaz K, Linn S. Molecular mechanisms of mammalian DNA repair and the DNA damage checkpoints. Annu Rev Biochem. 2004;73(1):39–85.
2. Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2018. 3. Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP, Carter C, Peel JR. Social health and class inequalities. Equalities. 1976;
4. Nørvåg K. Space-efficient support for temporal text indexing in a document archive context. In: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. Springer; 2003. p. 511–22.
5. Sever A. Effect of Selenium on swimming endurance, oxidative stress and NRF2/HO-1 protein expressions in rats. Firat University; 2020. 6. Ciccia A, Elledge SJSJ, Adamo A, Collis SJ, Adelman CA, Silva N, et al. The DNA damage response: making it safe to play with knives. Mol Cell. 2010 Oct;40(2):179–204.
Ethical principles and publication policy
- In plagiarism similarity reports obtained by authors via iThenticate, Turnitin or, the similarity rate from a source should not exceed 3% and the total similarity rate should not exceed 30%.
- The author should fill out the author checklist for spelling rule checks, and the article should comply with the “Yes” option for all steps in the author checklist.
- It is mandatory to upload the Consent to Publication and Copyright Transfer Form and the relevant Ethics Committee Approval Form for studies requiring ethics committee permission.
- Studies that do not comply with the above format will not be evaluated in terms of content and will be returned to the author by the editor.
- Therefore; check your article one last time according to the author checklist before sending it to our journal. The article template will facilitate the author in terms of writing style.
Important issues that prevent the publication of articles
- Not deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board,
- In plagiarism similarity reports received by authors via iThenticate, Turnitin or program, the similarity rate from one source is more than 3% and the total similarity rate is more than 30%,
- Author does not have an ORCID number,
- Author member and imprint information is not sufficient,
- Not prepared according to journal writing rules,
- No Turkish or English abstract or not properly prepared,
- Except for the special decision of the Editorial Board, the author's number of articles exceeds two per year,
- Author's name is included in the footer, inside or file name,
- In the preliminary review by the editor, the content, layout, source, evaluation, method, language, etc. are deemed inadequate,
- The evaluation process cannot be completed until the journal enters the printing and publishing process,
- Previously rejected,
- Articles whose preliminary review is conducted by the "editor" and/or "editorial board" and deemed appropriate for evaluation are published after the positive opinion of the reviewers from the relevant scientific field is received. After the preliminary control and evaluation processes, authors must submit the suggested corrections within 15 days at the latest (30 days if an experimental addition is requested). Otherwise, the article will be rejected.
- Articles exceeding the relevant issue capacity of the journal will not be evaluated/published.
-All studies conducted on humans must be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). In studies that may cause harm, the informed consent of the participants must be obtained.
- In all kinds of surveys and research based on measurements conducted on humans, ethics committee approval must be obtained from the relevant institutions.
- Authors cannot engage in actions that are against scientific research and publication ethics, such as plagiarism, forgery, and distortion.
How long does the publication evaluation process take?
It is anticipated that the publication evaluation process of studies sent to Bingöl University Health Journal will be completed within 6 months at the latest. However, the period between the date the reviewers or editors request corrections from the author and the date the authors complete the corrections is not included in this 6-month period.
First and preliminary evaluation process
This is the general evaluation made by the Editors, assistant editors, or field experts after the research is uploaded to the Bingöl University Health Journal system. In these evaluations, it is checked whether the research is publishable and can be sent to the reviewer in terms of general principles. As a result of the evaluation, studies that are not original, do not comply with ethical rules, do not comply with publication and writing rules are rejected. In problematic studies, the articles and principles that need to be removed, completed, corrected/edited are determined. The author is asked to complete these deficiencies. In this way, reviewers are determined for the problem-free articles to be sent to the reviewers with the corrected reviews.
Reviewer process
Reviewers can be determined from the reviewer pool by looking at the content of the studies and the areas of expertise of the reviewers. Reviewers can be suggested by a field expert or a member of the journal's editorial board. Reviewer candidates are examined and finalized by the editors, and the articles are sent to the reviewers appointed according to the double-blind reviewering system.
Double-blind reviewering and evaluation process
The double-blind reviewering method is based on the objective evaluation of scientific studies. In this system, our Journal uses a double-blind reviewering system in which the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential to each other. For this reason, the names of the reviewers are not published. Authors and reviewers should make an effort to keep their identities confidential.
The double-blind peer-review process has an important place in the publication quality of Bingöl University Health Journal in terms of the author and the reviewer. The studies sent to Bingöl University Health Journal are evaluated according to the stages specified below.
Reviewer evaluation process
Reviewers are given a certain period of time for the peer-review process. Reviewers make their evaluations and submit their reports within this period. Correction suggestions from reviewers or expert editorial board members are completed by the authors in accordance with the publication principles and writing rules and within the appropriate time given. Reviewers can review the corrections of the study and decide on its appropriateness, or they can request corrections more than once and submit their final opinions/decisions.
Reviewer reports
Reviewer evaluations are generally based on the originality, method used, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of findings and results, and review of the literature. This review is carried out according to the following elements:
Introduction and literature: It includes opinions on the presentation and objectives of the problem addressed in the study, the importance of the subject, the scope of the literature on the subject, its currency, and the originality of the study.
Method: Contains information on the suitability of the method used, the selection and characteristics of the research group, validity and reliability, as well as opinions on the data collection and analysis process.
Findings: Contains opinions on the presentation of the findings obtained within the framework of the method, the accuracy of the analysis methods, the consistency of the findings obtained with the objectives of the research, the provision of the required tables, figures and visuals, and the conceptual evaluation of the tests used.
Evaluation and discussion: Contains opinions on the discussion of the subject based on the findings, compliance with the research questions and hypothesis/s, generalizability and applicability.
Conclusion-suggestions: Contains opinions on the contribution to the literature, suggestions for future studies and applications in the field.
Style and expression: Contains opinions on whether the title covers the content, the use of language in accordance with the rules, and the structuring of citations and references in line with the examples shown in the journal publication and writing principles.
General evaluation: Contains opinions on the originality of the prepared study, its contribution to the literature and applications in the field, or publication and writing criteria. Reviewer opinions and evaluations cannot disrupt the general structure and characteristics of the study.
Editors' final evaluations and editorial board decision
The opinions received from the reviewers are reviewed by the field editor within a certain period of time. As a result of the review, the field editor communicates his/her final decision regarding the study to the editors. Based on the opinions of the field editor and the reviewers, the editors present the study and the evaluation and correction results regarding it to the Editorial Board. According to the opinion formed by the Editorial Board, they determine whether to return the article, have it published or have it corrected. They communicate these opinions to the authors without delay. They ensure that plagiarism reports are obtained for articles that receive positive opinions and follow up on the publication decision regarding the articles according to these reports.
Objection to the evaluation result
The evaluation result made by Bingöl University Health Journal is communicated to the authors. Authors have the right to object to the opinions formed as a result of the evaluations of the editorial board or scientific board. Authors can send their reasoned objection letters regarding the evaluation result to our journal's digital address in a scientific language and by citing their basis. The objections made are reviewed by the editorial board as soon as possible. Opinions can be requested from the relevant reviewers regarding the objections made. The authors are given a positive or negative response regarding the results. If the objections of the authors to the evaluation result are found positive, the editorial board or editors may assign new reviewers suitable for the field of the study. In this case, the reviewer evaluation process is restarted.
Process after acceptance
As a result of the evaluation made by Bingöl University Health Journal, the arrival and acceptance dates, personal information of the authors and the international author identification number ORCID number are added to the first page of the accepted studies. Plagiarism, bibliography, language and citation checks are performed, and the design and typesetting are performed. After these processes, they are published online with open access.
Language editing
Studies sent to Bingöl University Health Journal must be written in a plain, clear, clean and fluent language that complies with the rules of Turkish, English or Arabic language and their scientific literature, depending on the language status. Having the language check of the articles to be uploaded to the system will ensure that the publication processes continue more healthily in terms of fulfilling one of the acceptance criteria of the study. If this criterion is not met, the authors may be requested to have the language check of the study done/have it done during the evaluation processes or at the acceptance stage.
No fee is charged to the author or institution under any name.
All expenses of the journal are covered by Bingöl University. There is no fee for the publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles sent to the journal or accepted for publication. Bingöl University Health Journal does not accept sponsorship or advertising due to its publication policies.